Introducing Van Zandt Coffee Pods!
You can now have our flagship roast, Hondo Sidekick brewed with the convenience of a single-serve pod brewer.

Subscribe now and have any variety of fresh roasted Van Zandt Coffee delivered straight to you every 15, 30, or 45 days!
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The Man Behind The Coffee
Sam began his quest to finding the best cup of coffee a few years after his graduation from West Point in 2006. After much research and trial and error, Sam, Ashley, and George loaded up the Airstream for a cross-country road trip to attend multi-day training. There, Sam learned the art of roasting coffee beans and running a roast house.
Sam wanted to create a coffee so rich in flavor, that folks could enjoy it black.
The rest is history.
Sam's military credentials include: Airborne Ranger qualification, Recon/S Leader, Combat Infantryman's Badge, Expert Infantryman's Badge, and the Bronze Star.
Van Zandt Coffee is Veteran-owned and operated.